Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Facebook Challenged Hackers to Find 'security holes'

Facebook  Challenged  Hackers to Find 'security holes'  - Facebook ready to reward hundreds of dollars to the hackers who managed to find bugs or security holes on their site. This program followed the success of other technology companies that had earlier made a similar program entitled "Bugs Bounty".

The amount of money being offered up to those who managed to find bugs is $ 500, a figure that far adrift from that offered company Google, Mozilla and Microsoft. By comparison, Google poured money of USD 3,000, an amount equal to that released Mozilla. While Microsoft is spending money worth $ 250,000.

Reward provided by Facebook is aiming to better secure the site of hundreds of millions of people that loved them. As quoted from the page "Security Bug Bounty" on Monday (01/08/2011), describing the classification up to a 'bounty' as willing to give time on Facebook to respond to the first report that goes before the broadcast to the public.

Bug found by a bounty must also be in touch with the Facebook site itself, not associated with third-party applications or third-party sites that are integrated with Facebook. Although Facebook promised that they would prepare a wage of $ 500, but for those who report a particular bug, then the prize will be raised.

Previously, in order to strengthen the security at their disposal, Facebook, such as Microsoft and Google, also hired George Hotz. He was a popular hacker ever prosecuted for breaking the Sony PS3 gaming console and be the first to rip off the iPhone.

Rapport is woven up with the hackers said it was something important. The company itself is often contacted by hackers every week, which is about 30-50 times. And to further strengthen the good relations, Facebook is also sponsoring the Defcon hacking conference over the last two years.

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