Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Sumatran Tiger Habitat Destruction Continues

Sumatran Tiger Habitat Destruction Continues
Destruction of natural forest which habitat of Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) continues. Changes the function of forests into monoculture areas make Sumatran tiger roaming space narrowing, forcing wildlife to move into the settlements closest to the forest.

Environmental organization Greenpeace campaigner, Rusmadia Maharudin, declare it to the press at Edinburgh, on Thursday (10/06/2011). WALHI activists with Greenpeace and the Conservation Community Indonesia (KKI) Warsi browse the Sumatran tiger habitat in Tiger Eyes tour in the region of Riau and Jambi.

In the search, the team witnessed the opening of a massive natural forests for industrial plants. Rokan Hilir in the region until Pelalawan, Riau, transporting logs over 50 inches in diameter rife, khususya at night.

In the area of ​​industrial forest plantations (HTI) in Pelalawan District, the team previously found that the Sumatran tiger snares caught, and finally died a week later.

In the region of Jambi, the team witnessed the opening of the natural forest bertutupan above 60 percent in Tebo regency.

Rusmadi regretted the absence of government efforts to save the natural forests located in HTI concession. The government is only doing a moratorium on new HTI licenses.

Of the approximately 80 million hectares of natural forest left in Indonesia, 30 percent of whom almost no longer possible to be saved. Industrial interests of the plant will eliminate the following natural forests with wildlife habitat in it, said Rusmadi. If this is allowed to continue, he said, the Sumatran tiger will lose a source of food, and into residential areas. Conflict with humans is getting higher and causing casualties on both sides.

Greenpeace noted the two people were killed and two others wounded in the village of Jumbroh, Rokan Hilir, in conflict with the Sumatran tiger. The tiger started to go home after the natural forests around the village opened to the plantation, he said.

Activist KKI Warsi, Diki Kurniawan, deplored the opening of the natural forest supported the local government. Concessionaires do not just take the wood, but also opened coal mines in forest areas.

A spokesman Sinar Mas Group, Kurniawan, stated, use of timber from natural forests for the benefit of recent industry decreased dramatically. Now there are only 8 percent use wood from natural forests. We took the rest of the forest crop, he said.

Kurniawan rate, excessive environmental activists regard the industry as a destroyer of natural forests. Associated clearing of natural forests, it is only doing it for the purposes of planting monoculture crops. How we can plant a monoculture as needed if the region is still full of other kinds of plants, he said.

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