Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Scientist: There are Two Moon Around the Earth

Scientist: There are Two Moon Around the Earth

In 2006, astronomers captured the existence of a mysterious object, titanium white, circling the Earth, named RH120. Initially, the experts assume as a rocket.

However, the forecast was wrong. The object turned out to be a small asteroid that was captured Earth's gravitational field. He rotates around the Earth until June 2007.

A study published by Cornell University astrophysicist claims the incident was not an anomaly. Because, there are many asteroids that come and go. This means, the planet we always have a second satellite, even temporarily.

Cornell astrophysicist, Mikael Granvik, Jeremie Vaubaillon, and Robert Jedicke confessed they would have to calculate the population "irregular natural satellite is temporarily captured by the Earth".

In a research paper titled, 'The population of natural Earth satellites', the astronomers said, although the moon was found a small, scientific implications of this discovery is phenomenal.

"At any given time, there is at least one 1-meter diameter natural satellites that orbit the Earth," the exposure of the research team that published the site of Cornell University.

Although asteroids that orbit the Earth is relatively small, measuring just a few meters, they could qualify as a natural satellite, like the Moon.

Why is this finding so-called phenomenal?

To note, the asteroid could be a source of disaster for mankind in the future. It is important for scientists to examine its characteristics, to be handled.

With this study - in which there are known asteroid stuck the Earth's gravity, astronomers have a cheaper option to study the origin of the solar system - instead of sending a mission to a distant asteroid.

Although NASA is not able to land on an asteroid measuring only a few meters, but the space agency could be approached to gather lots of information.

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