Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Kinds and Types of Mineral That Needed by Human Body

Kinds and Types of Mineral That Needed by Human Body - In this article will explain the usefulness of several mineral substances which in general we consume every day. Usually substances mineral salts contained in the beverages we drink and the foods we eat. Some of the uses and functions of mineral salts:

1. Iodine / Iodine / I
Iodine mineral usually found in table salt is available freely on the market, but not all types and brands of table salt contains iodine. Iodine plays an important role to help the development of intelligence or intelligence in children. Iodine can also petrified prevent goiter, mumps or mumps. Iodine tyrosine serves to establish the substance that forms on the thyroid gland.

2. Phosphorus / Phosphorus / P
Phosphorus serves for the formation of bone and tooth shape.

3. Cobalt / Cobalt / Cobalt / Co
Cobalt has a function to form blood vessels as well as builders B.

4. Chlor / Chlorine / Cl
Chlor our body uses to form HCl or hydrochloric acid in the stomach. HCl have their uses to kill bacteria and germs in the stomach also activates pepsinogen into pepsin.

5. Magnesium / Mg
Function or usefulness of magnesium is as a substance that forms the substance of red blood cells and hemoglobin oxygen binding.

6. Manganese / Manganese / Mn
Manganese serves to regulate the growth of our bodies and reproductive systems.

7. Copper / Cuprum / Cu
Copper in the human body is useful as a shaper of hemo globin in red blood cells.

8. Calcium / Calcium / Ca
Calcium or lime is also called mineral substances that have a function in forming bones and teeth as well as having a role in the vitality of the muscle in the body.

9. Potassium / K
Potassium we need as a shaper of heart muscle activity.

10. Zincum / Zinc / Zinc / Zn
Zinc is needed by the human body to form enzymes and hormones essential. Addition of zinc also serves as a custodian of several types of enzymes, hormones and activity of our sense of taste or tongue.

11. Sulfur or Sulfur
This substance has a share in shaping protenin in the body.

12. Sodium / Na
Sodium is a mineral substance that we rely on for faram forming in the body and as a conductor of impulses in nerve fibers and osmotic pressures on the cells that maintain the fluid balance of cells with fluid around it.

13. Flour / F
Flour contribute to forming a layer of enamel that protects from all kinds of disorders of the teeth.

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